White Legendary Dream
2012.11.02. 11:21

MLK Champion, Legszebb Telivér, Most Beautiful Thoroughbred, Nice galopp horse, Nice appearance horse, Szép Tavaszi Küllemló, The Thrid Horse in the M, Strom & Wind Perfect Appearance Horse, ELITE Galopp Horse, Second of Savorias Galopp Cup, Winner Horse of Galopp in Meydan City, Best Racehorse, 2*MLK CHAMPION 2010, Best Fail Year Race Horse, Legjobb Tanévzáró Galoppló 2009-2010, Most Beautiful Racing Horse, Legszebb Galoppozó Ló,The Special Prize in Miami Cup Appearance, Excellent Halter / Bridon / "Without Halter or Bridon" Horse, The Special Horse in BML, Legszebb edzésen galoppozó ló,2rd place in the Autumn Handycap, Wonderful Racehorse,Good horse, Third at Autumn Color Appearance, Elite, Champion Horse, 1st of Hellstone Turf, Best Recahorse of WlK, Good Horse in 1900m, 3rd Placed of Grand Slam Derby 2011, NICE, Great Horse on Stallions’ Appearance, Gorgeus Stallion, 4th Placed in 3 Group, Hollywood Park Champion, 1st of Hollywood Park 1. Horse Race, Nouvelle Lune Champion, 1st of Legend’s Race, Best Galopp Horse, 1st Placed of Kentucky Derby in Final 2011, Nouvelle Lune Champion, 3rd of Whasing Time Appearance, Nice Thoroughbred Horse, 2nd in Moscow Derby, Better Galopp Horse, ABSOLUTE,Tökéletes Galopp ló, Ist Winner of Naruto World Galopp Derby, Absolute Champion in Kuroshitsuji Apperance, Absolute in Kuroshitsuji Apperance Claude& Alios Kategory, Winner Champion in Kuroshitsuji Apperance, 1st in Kuroshitsuji Apperance Claude&Alios Kategory, Champion horse in Loveless Dance, 1 st horse in Head Appearance
• TÖRZSKÖNYVEZETT NEVE: White Legendary Dream
• NEME: mén
• KORA: 4 év
• FAJTÁJA: angol telivér

• TENYÉSZENGEDÉLY: van | nincs
• ÚTLEVÉL: van | nincs
• RAJTENGEDÉLY: van | nincs
Speeding Comet - Redoble Dina
Speeding Comet - Speeding Stormy Dream
Száguldó Remény - Száguldó Démon
Smart Strike
Sheriffhs Deputy
Tartaros II |
Tarantula K.
Red Vulcan
Meteor Star
Remember Me
Lucky Baby
Rising Cross
Wild Pepper IV.
Rising Sun

• SZAKÁGA: galopp - rövidtáv
XXXVI. Tavaszi Küllem | telivér /shagyarab.gp/
Galopp in Meydan City /ponyisland.gp/
School Finish Hendikep | Fail Year futam /shagyarab.gp/
XLII. Nyári Küllem | galopp /shagyarab.gp/
Where Are you? Appearance 2 |edzésen, galopp/shagyarab.gp/
Staillon Stakes| Hellstone Turf/pegazusmg.gp/
Hollywood Park 1. Horse Race| Középtáv/hollywood-park.gp/
Legend’s Race| Középtáv/racehorses.gp/
Kentucky Derby in Final 2011| Középtáv/ponyisland.gp/
Naruto World Galopp Derby| Itachi és Hana/honeybee-stakes.gp/
Kuroshitsuji Appearance | Claude & Alios /honeybee-stakes.gp/ * Absolute Winner
Head Appearance | -/http://the-racehorses..gp/
II. hely
Savorias Galopp Cup /portalversenyek.gp/
Halter 'n' Bridon Appearance| szabad / szeder.gp/
Autumn Handycap | 1500m /thoroughbred.gp/
Moscow Derby| Középtáv/ dariusdeazevedo.gp/
Újévi Kupa| Galopp/patanevelde.gp/
III. hely
Zafiro Opening Cup | galopp /loneveldenkl.gp/
Zafiro Opening Cup | küllem /loneveldenkl.gp/
II. Ábécé Küllem /szeder.gp/
Autumn Color Appearance | Egyéb, Cremello /goldenlk.gp/
Grand Slam Derby 2011| 1900m/ponyisland.gp/
Whasing Time Appearance| Mének/racehorses.gp/
Special Appearance for galopp horses | Fejkép, fülvédő nélkül/dariusdeazevedo.gp/
IV. hely
Spring Appearance /portalversenyek.gp/
Stallions’ Appearance| 3 csoport/dreamfoal.gp/
V. hely
Júniusi Küllemverseny | albínó /ghp.gp/
Miami Cup | küllem /hopevp.gp/
további képei >>